Leadership at FMBC Bellflower

Our pastors provide spiritual leadership for the congregation and have oversight of the church's ministries.

Ephesians 4:11-12 states that the pastors are to equip the saints to carry out the work of service in the church.

  • Eric Brown - Pastor - email

    Pastor Eric joined FMBC Bellflower in 2003. He and his wife Sandra were married in 1986 and have  two adult children. Pastor Eric oversees the staff, deacons and FMBC ministries. He is gifted in the teaching ministry, enthusiastic for the Word of God, and expository preaching. 

    • B.A., Christian Ministries, The Master’s College
    • M.Div., Talbot School of Theology

  • Christopher Rodríguez- Pastor email

    Pastor Christopher Rodriguez Its primary function is preaching and teaching in the Hispanic ministry. The church licensed him as a minister in 2018 and he was ordained as a Pastor in October 2022. He is passionate about expository preaching, biblical languages  and the exposition of the Word of God. He is married to Brindia since 2015 and join the church in December of the same year. Christopher and Brindia have 3 children.

    • B.S., Health Care Administration, California State University, Long beach
    •  M.DIV., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • D.Ed.Min., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (IP)

  • Ruben Guerrero - Pastor Emeritus  email

    Pastor Ruben was ordained as a Pastor in 1985 and has served at FMBC Bellflower since 2001. He and his wife Christine have two adult children and four grandchildren. Pastor Ruben oversees the Spanish ministry. He is gifted teaching ministry, enthusiastic for the Word of God, and his organizational skills are instrumental in equipping FMBC. 

    • B.A., Christian Ministries,  California Missionary Baptist Institute.
  • Cecil Avery- Worship Leader- email  

    Cecil has been leading the worship team at FMBC for more than 25 years. 

    • B.A., Mathematics, California State University, Long Beach

Our Deacons

 As in the early church, our deacons are charged with serving the congregation. Deacons meet monthly with the pastors for making plans, decisions, and recommendations regarding the church and its ministries.

FMBC Bellflower ordained deacons, Carl Avery, Cecil Avery, John Nichols, Louie Springer, Jr., Manuel Espejo and Stan Whittemore.